
Somerset Council
Telephone: 0300 123 2224

Additional services and information: - Refuse Collection and Recycling Services - Beaches, Ports and Flooding - Benefits and Payments - Births, Ceremonies and deaths - Business, economy and Licenses - Care and Support for Adults - Children, Families and Education - Climate and Ecological Emergency - Community, leisure and tourism - Council Tax - Environmental Health and Food Safety - Housing and homelessness - Roads, travel and parking - Planning, buildings and land.

Frome Town Council
Telephone: 01373 465757

Additional services and information: - Parks and Ground Maintenance - Community Services - Energy Efficiency - Leisure and Services - Grant Funding - Economic Growth - Community Events.

Mells, Vobster and local area

Libra Travel (buses)
Telephone: 01373 812255

Service operates Monday to Friday two hourly up to six times a day (not bank holidays).


Popular train journeys , From local trips to cross-country adventures, find info and book train tickets for popular journeys in the UK and rest of Europe.

Mells Village Shop
Telephone: 01373 812 251

For many years there had been a small shop and post office but in spring 2008 Robin Tindale, who had run the shop and been its postmaster, decided to retire with no obvious successor or purchaser for the business. A group of villagers decided to form a community social enterprise which, funded by grants and local donations, opened a newly-refurbished, modern shop and Post Office at Easter 2009.

Citizens Advice Bureau - Somerset
Telephone: 0808 223 1133

Citizens Advice Somerset is an independent charity that provides free, confidential, and impartial advice for people in Somerset. Our Vision: Everyone has somewhere trusted to turn to for help and advice. Our Mission: Delivering excellence in advice services; advising, supporting, and empowering people and advocating for social change. We will provide high quality and seamless services that meet our clients’ needs, enabling them to: act early to prevent a problem becoming a long-term issue (early help and prevention) get help to address critical issues and crisis (advice at a critical time) tackle the under-lying causes of financial distress and inequality (tackling disadvantage)


Frome Festival
Telephone: 01373 462 257

Frome’s community arts festival Through its charitable status, Frome Festival fundraises in support of the Festival’s general running costs and projects delivered as a part of the Festival, including educational projects and low cost community activity. All donations provided for the Festival goes in support of these activities. Next year’s Frome Festival dates Friday 4th – Sunday 13th July 2025

Jobcentre Near Me
Telephone: 0800 169 0190.

Find your nearest Jobcentre Plus, find a job, find information about Universal Credit, budgeting loan, benefits, free courses and careers advice including; how to write a CV.